Our approach

Learn - Money Quests

Our mission

Accelerate the financial capability of young people by providing the tools and knowledge to harness the power and potential of money.  

Kit app and prepaid cards

Our vision

Future generations of financially confident, capable and resilient citizens thriving in the new world of money.


Designed with intent

The core app functionality in Kit has been designed based on an independent review of research evidence about digital tools. Features like just-in-time 'nudges' and goal visualisation drive positive financial behaviours to build healthy financial habits in your child from an early age.

Friends of Kit

The Behavioural Insights Team
Happy Families
The Behavioural Insights Team
Happy Families

Kit | Built by CommBank

Kit is built by x15ventures, which is wholly owned by CommBank. We are an early-stage venture, which means we’re endlessly improving and experimenting to deliver the best experience for young people and their carers in Australia. Kit financial products are issued by our partner Hay Limited (AFSL 515459). Refer to Important Legal Information for more detail.

Kit | Built by CommBank

Advisory Panel

We have developed Kit with advice from an Advisory Panel that brings experience across financial capability, youth mental health and wellbeing, and digital services for children and families. They advise us on how to ensure Kit is developmentally appropriate and ethically designed.

Monica Wegner

EGM, Everyday Banking, Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Banking and payments, digital delivery

Robyn Mildon

Executive Director, Centre for Evidence & Implementation

Evaluation and implementation science across health, education and human services

Dr. Emily Heath

Financial Capability Specialist, PhD in Behavioural Neuroscience, Author of ‘10 Principles: How do we really build financial capability’

Financial capability, behavioural design

Jonathan Nicholas

Managing Director, The Wellbeing Outfit and former CEO of ReachOut Australia

Youth mental health, digital services, entrepreneurship

Professor Mary-Anne Williams

Michael J Crouch Chair for Innovation at UNSW. PhD Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship and innovation

Heather Finlayson

COO Home@Scope

Services for children and families from diverse backgrounds

Carmel Guerra OAM

CEO, Centre for Multicultural Youth

Culturally and linguistically diverse youth


Kit Wins Big: Celebrating our 2024 Finnies and WeMoney Awards

Here's a few of the team accepting our awards at Kit HQ in South Eveleigh, Sydney.

Introducing Kit Money Quests: How AI and gamification could help, shows research from Kit

As many as 1-in-4 parents are worried they are ill-equipped to teach their kids about money in the digital age. More...

Kit, built by CommBank proves pocket money apps can help build financial capability in kids as young as six

The study of more than 4,000 families paints a more positive picture than the latest HILDA survey which found adults...